m Audiobook Player v0.52 Beta S60v3 SymbianOS 9.x

m Audiobook Player v0.52 Beta S60v3 SymbianOS 9.x

An audiobook player for Symbian S60 and UIQ smartphones.
Written by Panagiotis Karagiannis
Can play any audio format the phone supports.
It can play a folder with audio files. No need for audiobook preparation.
Stops playing when a phone call is active.
Stops when alarm or other phone function blocks the audio output.
Remembers the last played book and opens it at program start.
Remembers the chapter and position for all audiobooks.
Exits automatically when for 1 hour is stopped, to free up phone resources.
Displays not only chapter size but also audiobook size and position.
It can stop, start, etc. even when the keyboard is locked (my favorite while jogging!). Ready for S60 but needs some work on UIQ3
Supports multiple platforms (S60,UIQ3 and more).
Performs some sanity tests in order to avoid crashes.(Not ready yet).
Relatively small memory usage (about 150kb on S60v3).
Lacking features:
Lack of a settings page. I don't know how to do it in mShell (ui.form can only display very sort words, let alone phrases). I hope the default settings are ok for most users. Ok if there are people out there interested, I will try again
No sophisticated graphics, just text. I didn't spend time on this. On the other hand the necessary info is displayed, and the fonts are easily readable.
No support for additional audio formats. The audio files must be supported by the cellphone. This is not a big problem as .amr .mp3 (UIQ3 and S60 ) and .awb (S60) do the job.
I believe the code is a mess. I didn't try to follow any coding rule or style and the code grew bigger than I expected, mainly because I added functionality on the go. Also my inexperience in mShell played a role on the final (messy) result. I will try in the future to improve code readability.
No Internationalization, english only.
No bookmarks. I don't really believe this is a usefull feature but if some people want it, I will add it.
At the moment the Red key kills the program before it has a chance to save the position
How to prepare/install audiobooks:
If your audiobook is a folder with mp3 files, transfer it to your phone to X:\audiobooks\ where X is your memory card. If this method works for you, stick with it. In practice however there can be several problems. At first, the size of the audiobook can be huge, so you maybe want to reduce its size, especialy if you like to have a lot of audiobooks at the same time to your phone. How to use it:
Leftkey and 1: back 10 sec
Rightkey and 3: forward 10 sec
Upkey and 2: raise volume
Downkey and 8: lower volume
4: back 1 min
6: forward 1 min
Gokey and 5: play/pause
Backspace (c on UIQ3) quit the program
from the menu you can change the audiobook played.

m Audiobook Player v0.52 Free Download Signed
m Audiobook Player v0.52 Free Download Unsigned

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