Download Game Space Breaker for Nokia 5800, N97, X6, 5235 and 5530
2:36 AM Games, Java, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Nokia X6 0 comments fa.ah
Become the pilot of the new high-tech space fighter SW-3000. Use the powerful space sphere to break the alien forces barrier. Once you break enough barriers, use the twin missiles to shoot down the hordes of aliens. There are plenty of powerups available such as the enhancer module which extends your paddle, the sphere motion slower, multi-sphere and the sphere enhancer that allows your space sphere to also hit the aliens directly. You'll lose a ship if the space sphere falls into the planet.
- Tilt the device or drag your finger/stylus left to move the paddle left.
- Tilt the device or drag your finger/stylus right to move the paddle right.
- Touch the screen to launch the space sphere or shoot twin missiles.

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Tags: Games, Java, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Nokia X6
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