Mind-Flip TextQuick v1.5 S60v3/v5 SymbianOS9x

Mind-Flip TextQuick v1.5 S60v3/v5 SymbianOS9x

TextQuick is a small, fast application for your S60 mobile phone. TextQuick provides a quick way for you to text your best friends and family. It ranks everyone in your phone book by how popular they are. This means it's always easy to find the people you text the most. TextQuick minimises the number of button presses to send a text message, simply press the fire / select key on a name and TextQuick will automatically bring up an empty message already addressed to the person you picked. One click and your ready to type your message. It's also really easy to call someone within the list. Simply press the green call or send key and TextQuick will call the person you have selected. Using the find box you can also drill down to the person you want, simply start typing a few letters from their name. My main motivating factor in creating TextQuick was to look at how we use our mobile phones, and to see if there is a better way to do things. Often some of the best ways to improve usability are some of the simplest.
Installation Note:
Transfer sis file ...use keygen to generate yoiur own code and
So check your Language device (English) before input it!

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