Download Ludo Game Pachee for Nokia 5800, N97, X6, 5230, 5233 and 5530
2:49 AM Games, India, Java, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Nokia X6 0 comments fa.ah
Pachee is a turn based board game in which you compete against 3 other players. Each player has 4 playing pieces of a certain color. These pieces begin the game in the players home field. The goal is to be the first player to bring all of your pieces onto the target fields. When it is your turn, you can roll the die. The number rolled determines which moves you can make.
If you roll a "6", you can move one of your pieces forward 6 fields and then roll again. This is not the case, however, if you choose to move a piece from the home field to the starting field. The most exciting part of the game, of course, is when you throw your opponents pieces off the board. You do this simply by moving your piece onto a field occupied by one of your opponents pieces. Pieces displaced in this manner return to the players home field.
Once you have reached one of your target fields, you can move normally onto a free target fields, you can move normally onto a free target field. If the number rolled does not allow you to make a valid move, the next player begins their turn. The first player to place all 4 pieces on the target fields win the game. There are three game modes available: Quick Play, Journey Mode and Custom Game Mode.
During Journey Mode, you can unlock additional features such as new boards, special fields, and tokens. The special fields allow you to make perticular moves. The Save field protects your pieces from being thrown off the board by other pieces, or moved using tokens. The Bonus field lets you roll the die again when you land on it.
The game is very interesting and reminds me my childhood when I used to play Ludo with all my family members. In Countries such as India and Pakistan, this game is known as Ludo and it is one of the most popular board game played in every family. Pachee is an exozet games production in cooperation with Congee games. Have fun playing Pachee. Dowload the version 1.0.0 of this game. This game is available in multiple languages.
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Tags: Games, India, Java, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Nokia X6
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