mjBook v5.0.6 J2ME S60v3 (electronic book)

mjBook is a electronic book (eBook) for mobile phones. It is a midlet which allows to read ANY text or MS Word files with pictures in ANY language on ANY java enabled phone. This is the easiest way to read your favorite book when you waste your time in a queue or traffic jam. mjBook also allows to store in your mobile phone a lot of useful text and graphics information: time tables, hand books, plans, charts etc. Main features of mjBook are:
Compatibility with any mobile phone with java. The same midlet will work in the same way on any phone.
Phone capabilities auto detection allows to use advantages of Java MIDP2.0 and Nokia phones.
A new parallel rendering engine – when you are reading current page the program render next one into memory. When you go to next page it will be shown without any delay.
Fastest access to everything setting window by single key.
Full support of Unicode letters on any phone
Full screen mode on Nokia phones and phones with Java MIDP2.0
Two layout modes – portrait and landscape
Adjustable font and background colors char and line spacing.
Embedded font allows to show any letter on any phone
Full support of touch screen phones
Interactive features: hyperlinks, sms, voice calls
Using up to 12 phone fonts - take advantages of latest Nokia large screen smartphones (E50 etc)
Paint your text book by pictures - png, jpg, gif and bmp are supported

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