Download Playboy Games Pool Party for Nokia 5800, N97, X6 and 5530
10:06 PM Games, Java, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Samsung Omnia HD, Sony Ericsson Satio 0 comments fa.ah
Pool parties consist of four different party areas, each hosted by a playmate of the month. Your job is to attract guests to join the party areas by completing the challenges of the minigames featured in that area. Before challenges can be entered though, party points need to collected by playing the Free Play mode. You can check the required amout of party points of the next challenge by talking to the hostess of the party area.
Versus: Its a game mode where you can challenge your friends. Between each round, the current scoreboard is displayed. After all rounds are played, the player with the biggest tallied score wins. There are two types of versus battles: Championship and Competition.
Championship: In Championship, each of the minigames are played once.
Competition: In Competition, one of the minigames is played for a set number of rounds.
With the help of 'Your Playmate' editor, you can customize your character. There is a limited number of items at the begining, but you can unlock more by completing the challenges in pool parties. When you choose to play one of the minigames in the Pool Party or Versus mode your character is dressed in a competition outfit. Only the changes you made to skip and hair are shown during the playing of the minigames.
On the left side of the party area you can practice the game. Collect arty points and attempt to create a new record. On the right side of the party area you can try to complete the challenges set by the playmate of the month. There are total 4 minigames:
- Water balloon hoops
- Pool jumping
- Flying disk
- Bull riding
Note: Make sure you off the on-screen keyboard before launching this game on your mobile to play it in full screen.

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Tags: Games, Java, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5800, Nokia N97, Samsung Omnia HD, Sony Ericsson Satio
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