Capree iON BatteryTimer v1.04

Capree iON BatteryTimer v1.04 Modified By [D3adly]
Features : Provides information about: * Operating time remaining to complete discharge,
* Estimated future date& time of the battery being completely discharged,
* How long the battery holds its charge on average,
* Numbers of full and partial charge/discharge cycles recorded by application.
* Fast and handy access to remaining time at the home/standby screen.
* Power saver with additional the ‘big’ battery levels percentages indicator, built-in system notifications (e.g. missed calls, messages, unread emails, current profile, keypad lock).
Whats New In Version 1.04 :
* Lack of icons on FP0 devices - fixed
* Standby plug-in startup error on FP0 devices - fixed
* Plugin procentage indication is back at the portrait mode
* Better overall estimation performance
*Added New 3D Icon by Panatta
*Changed Icons in the app to Acidsonic style.

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