TTPod v3.50 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x
1:38 AM S60v3, S60v3 Applications, Symbian OS9.x Applications, SymbianOS9.x, TTPOD, TTPod v3.50 0 comments fa.ah
[Official Release] TTPod v3.50 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Chinese]
Every day is a pleasant to the ears are not required to register, completely free cell phone music player software, set playback, equalizer, lyrics, sleep mode, alarm clock and many other functions, operation simple and powerful. Every day, appealing to the user's need for the development direction and strive to become the user in mind the best player, becoming the most popular cell phone music player software.
1, Add singers pictures and album art download function;
2, optimize procedures to streamline the menu and functions;
3, Add dial control panel opening switch;
4, Add search download and volume status of grammar;
5, optimize the access point selection logic;
1, Add singers pictures and album art download function;
2, optimize procedures to streamline the menu and functions;
3, Add dial control panel opening switch;
4, Add search download and volume status of grammar;
5, optimize the access point selection logic;

Tags: S60v3, S60v3 Applications, Symbian OS9.x Applications, SymbianOS9.x, TTPOD, TTPod v3.50
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