Talki v2.6.58 J2ME

UNLIMITED texting with your talki friends! No more expensive international SMS charges! You can also send regular text messages to your friends who dont have talki yet. Your messages are delivered in seconds and you can see when your friend has received your text. No more waiting hours for messages to be delivered!
Picture Messaging take pictures with your phone and send them to your talki friends wherever they are in the world. You can even attach a picture that youve saved on your phone. The best part is, no more expensive MMS charges! If somebody else sends you a picture, you can forward it to any of your other talki friends.
Calling No more expensive international mobile calls. Make all your international calls local call local, talk global! With talki, you and your friends in more than 35 countries can talk for the cost of a local call. Call your friends on any phone, not just mobile. Do you want to speak to a friend or family member who doesnt have a mobile? No problem! talki calls home and office phones too.

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