Nokia 5800 Startup - Animation And Sound Change
1:18 AM Animation, Nokia 5800, Nokia 5800 Startup, Nokia 5800 XM, Sound Change 0 comments fa.ah
Using a File Browser (X-plore) copy these files- startup.mp3 to C:\system\sounds if dir not found just create it.
- Then copy Startup.mbm, Startup.mif, STARTUP.r01 to C:\resource\apps
- & lastly copy 101F8763.txt to C:\private\10202be9
- Now you need to make this file (101F8763.txt) that you copied as a read only file.
do this by highlighting the file & Menu files then click attributes, then just check the read only box.
or download the attchment & install it..
after that you can use the second attachment to change ur startup mbm/sound file..
- After saving the file reboot your handset, On boot up the device will look in C:\resource\apps for the Startup.mbm and C:\system\sounds and use it!
1.You must have a h....d phone
2.Intall STARTUP2 on to your phone
3.Go in to X-plore or any file browser
4.Copy Startup.mbm from the rar to C:/RESOURCE/APPS
5.Reboot you should have a new boot screen

Tags: Animation, Nokia 5800, Nokia 5800 Startup, Nokia 5800 XM, Sound Change
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