My Phone v2.20 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4

Change log in V2.20:
'i'Phone like SMS conversation, you can schedule the SMS with senders list, easily to read or delete SMS. (only for S60 5th os)
Add 3rd part icon by pick through list, no needing self input anymore.(only for S60 5th os)
Add some popular 3rd part icons for your choose
Let's dig all the MyPhone features in S60 models for Nokia, Samsung, Lg:
Fully emulate 'i'Phone UI in outlook, move icons, changes icons
Worldwide Weather
RSS Reader, with seamlessly reading data method
SMS and Call notifier
Customized wallpapers
MMMOOO Premium Service
Fully functional, all operations can be done via MyPhone
You can switch 'i'Phone UI into S60 UI and the other way round seamlessly
Sketchpad (only for S60 5th os)
Alternative List Mode (only for S60 5th os)
Auto-lock (only for S60 5th os)
Here is how:
1.- Install Myphone v2.10
Open Myphone and then close .
2. Install MyPhone v2.20 (appears the register screen) try trial mode and close.
3. Using x-plore, copy the file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7EFF9DE2AE15 (the unknown format file that comes inside the zip) to folder
C:\Private\101fd693\EB62125B59B4D4502AAD417849F472 51
(maybe you have in C:\Private\101fd693\ another numeration but change the file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7EFF9DE2AE15)
(if asks overwrite, do it)
4. Open MyPhone, and it's FULL!!

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