Foofa Jumpa S60v3 240x320 Java Game
12:38 AM 240x320 Java Game, Foofa Jumpa, Foofa Jumpa Java Game, ML, S60v3 0 comments fa.ah
The time has come for the annual Foofa Cup of the Furthest Foofa!Attention! Attention! Now and until forever, or maybe earlier or later? It commences and will commence, until the wind stops to blow, or Foofac stops to hop, the Great Jump Cup of ?FOOFA JUMPA!!You cannot miss this one and only, worldwide event. The Foofacs of all the colours, gather on their favorite take-offs and fightfor a so-so golden cup. Of course you're not limited only to cheering, but you can take part in the cup yourself! You can jump with your friends and send your score to our server, so it can be compared with the whole world.And please don't ask us what that small furry creature is. They're very fragile when it comes to that kind of questions. You canfind information on Yeti, BigFoot, Sasquatch in every encyclopedia, yet there's not a word on Foofacs. It's more than discrimination, it's a conspiracy! Luckily Foofacs aren't too bright, and their only purpose in life is having fun. The objective of the game is to jump the furthest, and land in the most show-off way. Every style is permitted: ram in, the massacre, bouncy, or coolfeet. It all comes to having a good balance in you flight position and reflex on landing. You have to watch for the wind and surprises, lastly for the cranky judges score.Don't get cought up in the spin and be the one who will get the FOOFA cup.

Tags: 240x320 Java Game, Foofa Jumpa, Foofa Jumpa Java Game, ML, S60v3
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