BeepTimer v1.07 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4
12:39 AM Jbak, Jbak BeepTimer, Jbak BeepTimer v1.07, S60v3, S60v3 Applications, S60v5, S60v5 Applications, Symbian OS9.4 S60v5 Applications, Symbian OS9.x Applications, SymbianOS9.4 0 comments fa.ah
Jbak BeepTimer v1.07 S60v3 S60v5 En by cupinthemud
The new version of juriy Bakunin (aka Jbak). The idea of creating DimonVideo.Purpose: The alarm at specified intervals.
Options:- The program is hidden from the Task Manager.To enter the settings need to click the program icon in the phone menu.- Play the melody - to enable / disable beeping horn- From an hour and up to an hour - allows you to specify the time, which will send a signal.Here you enter the clock, from 0 to 23.Appointment of - the first hour, when there is an audible signal before - the last hour.For example, if you want to give the signal from 23:00 to 23:55 with an interval of 5 min.- Both fields should be 23.- Interval - here you can select the interval of a beeping alarm.For example, if the program is set up at 12:03 at the interval of 5 minutes - the next signal will be served at 12:05, then at 12:10, etc.- Play the melody again - how many times will be repeated melody- The volume - the volume of melodies- If the number of repetitions set 0 - would beat on the number of hours (1-12 times)
Of the new version 1.07:Fixed critical bugs, the update is mandatory.sign the file or hack the phone.

Tags: Jbak, Jbak BeepTimer, Jbak BeepTimer v1.07, S60v3, S60v3 Applications, S60v5, S60v5 Applications, Symbian OS9.4 S60v5 Applications, Symbian OS9.x Applications, SymbianOS9.4
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